2014-09-12 05:32:00 UTC
Jo kauan ennen sotaa saksalaisilla oli tarkoitus lähettää juutalaiset
Madagaskarille, ja suunnitelma oli vielä voimassa syksyllä 1941, jolloin
sota Neuvostoliittoa vastaan oli jo edennyt hyvin. Jolloin harkittiin myös
vaihtoehtoa juutalaisten lähettämisestä kauas itään, Siperiaan. Ja jo
silloin kun osa Puolasta oli vallattu, juutalaisia lähettiin rajan yli
neuvostoliittolaisten kiusaksi. Ja Baltian maissa paikalliset asukkaat niitä
juutalaisia tappoi.
x x x clip x x x
As recently as September 1940 the propaganda ministry had learned that
Hitler had given the go-ahead for the Madagascar Plan, under which about
three and a half million of the four million Jews currently living within
his domain would be shipped to that island in the Indian Ocean a year
or two after the war ended. Since that summer his experts had been
studying the possibility of resettling Europe's ten million Jews on this
large island, a French colony. Madagascar was over twice as big as
Britain; its pre-war population was four million.
He did not want the Jews to remain in their present settlement region
around Lublin, as historical experience showed that they would raise the
danger of epidemics. On October 2, 1940, he had discussed this with Hans
Frank and Baldur von Schirach, gauleiter of Vienna. Schirach had pointed
out that his fifty thousand Viennese Jews were due for deportation to
Poland; Frank had protested that he could not accommodate any
fresh influx. At first Hitler had overridden his objections, but then
the Madagascar Solution had come under consideration. On
June 2, 1941, Hitler told Mussolini:
'The island could find room for fifteen million people.' The problem with
this plan, he told Bormann, was how to transport the Jews that far in
x x
The coming occupation of new territories in the east suggested to Hitler
an alternative solution of the 'Jewish problem.' As 'Operation Barbarossa'
approached, it suggested itself to him that the new eastern empire would
enable him to overcome Hans Frank's loud objections to the dumping of
Jews on his Generalgouvernement territory and Himmler's growing
influence there. Three days before the Wehrmacht attacked Russia, Hitler
announced this explicitly to Frank; and the latter accordingly briefed his
staff that no fresh ghettos were to be established, 'since the Führer
expressly stated to me on June 19 that in due course the Jews will
be removed from the Generalgouvernement - and that the
Generalgouvernement is to be, so to speak, only a transit
camp.' In the view of Dr. Goebbels, who sat in on
these discussions on June 19, this deportation to the east would be a
'fitting punishment' for these troublemakers - and one which the Führer
himself had actually prophesied to them.
Seven months later, the Madagascar plan died a natural death. A foreign
ministry official would write: 'The war against the Soviet Union has
meanwhile made it possible to provide other territories for the final
solution. Accordingly, the Führer has decided that the Jews are not to
be deported to Madagascar but to the east.'
x x
In some regions, particularly the Baltic countries, the 'Jewish problem'
had solved itself. The natives had already taken primitive revenge for
'Jewish excesses' after the Soviet invasion of Lithuania in 1940. Hitler
was informed that the Red Army's 'Jewish commissars' had rounded
up the local businessmen one morning and shot them.
x x
The spirit inspiring Hitler in his war against the European Jews is clear
from the entry in Hewel's diary on July 10:
He says, 'I feel like the Robert Koch of politics... It is I who have
discovered the Jews as the bacillus and ferment that causes all
decay in society. What I have proved is this - that nations can
survive without Jews... and in fact better. That is the cruellest
blow I have dealt the Jews.'
He reverted to this surgical imagery a few days later, explaining to the
Croatian defence minister: 'If just one country tolerates one Jewish family
in its midst, then this will become the seat of a fresh bacillus infection.
Once there are no more Jews in Europe the unity of the European nations
can no longer be disrupted. It is unimportant where the Jews are sent -
whether to Siberia or to Madagascar.'
x x x clop x x x
Hitlerin tarkoitus oli siis VAIN JA AINOASTAAN lähettää juutalaiset pois
Euroopasta sotkemasta valkoihoisten eurooppalaisten asioita, mistään
juutalaisten kansanmurhasta (tai holocaustista) ei ollut mitään puhetta eikä
suunnitelmia, joitakin yksittäisiä juutalaisia toki tapettiin koska olivat
partisaaneja (sabotöötejä, terroristeja, sissejä) ja lisäksi paikalliset
ei-saksalaiset (siviilit ja poliisit ja sotilaat) tappoivat kostoksi niistä
teosta mitä oli tapahtunut Neuvostoliiton suorittaman miehityksen aikana. Ja
toki jotain yksittäisiä sotarikoksia, mutta niinhän kaikissa sodissa,
amerikkalaisetkin ensin Vietnamissa heittelivät napalmia siviilien niskaan,
raiskasivat naisia urakalla jne, ja sitten Irakissa ammuskelivat
holtittomasti kaikkea mikä sattui tähtäimeen, kuten ne Manningin ym
videotkin todistavat. Ja jopa suomalaisetkin sotilaat syyllistyivät
joihinkin sotarikoksiin jatkosodassa.
Siis jos sota olisi päättynyt toisella tavalla, todennäköisesti joko
A. kauhistelisimme amerikkalaisten, brittien ja neuvostoliittolaisten (ja
juutalaisten) suorittamia sotarikoksia (ja Viljanenkin pitäisi kommunismia
kuolemankulttina), tai
B. asiat olisi unohdettu ja eläisimme sovussa, kuten esim amerikkalaiset ja
japanilaiset, tai ainakin Japanin ja USAn viralliset suhteen hyvät,
jonkinlaisia liittolaisia, vaikka japanilaiset saivat niskaansa 2
atomipommia, ja toisaalta japanilaisetkin tekivät sodan aikana joitakin
Jokainen voikin kotitehtävänä miettiä, kumpi vaihtoehto tod näköisempi, ja
miten juutalaisten osuus vaikuttaa asiaan...
Madagaskarille, ja suunnitelma oli vielä voimassa syksyllä 1941, jolloin
sota Neuvostoliittoa vastaan oli jo edennyt hyvin. Jolloin harkittiin myös
vaihtoehtoa juutalaisten lähettämisestä kauas itään, Siperiaan. Ja jo
silloin kun osa Puolasta oli vallattu, juutalaisia lähettiin rajan yli
neuvostoliittolaisten kiusaksi. Ja Baltian maissa paikalliset asukkaat niitä
juutalaisia tappoi.
x x x clip x x x
As recently as September 1940 the propaganda ministry had learned that
Hitler had given the go-ahead for the Madagascar Plan, under which about
three and a half million of the four million Jews currently living within
his domain would be shipped to that island in the Indian Ocean a year
or two after the war ended. Since that summer his experts had been
studying the possibility of resettling Europe's ten million Jews on this
large island, a French colony. Madagascar was over twice as big as
Britain; its pre-war population was four million.
He did not want the Jews to remain in their present settlement region
around Lublin, as historical experience showed that they would raise the
danger of epidemics. On October 2, 1940, he had discussed this with Hans
Frank and Baldur von Schirach, gauleiter of Vienna. Schirach had pointed
out that his fifty thousand Viennese Jews were due for deportation to
Poland; Frank had protested that he could not accommodate any
fresh influx. At first Hitler had overridden his objections, but then
the Madagascar Solution had come under consideration. On
June 2, 1941, Hitler told Mussolini:
'The island could find room for fifteen million people.' The problem with
this plan, he told Bormann, was how to transport the Jews that far in
x x
The coming occupation of new territories in the east suggested to Hitler
an alternative solution of the 'Jewish problem.' As 'Operation Barbarossa'
approached, it suggested itself to him that the new eastern empire would
enable him to overcome Hans Frank's loud objections to the dumping of
Jews on his Generalgouvernement territory and Himmler's growing
influence there. Three days before the Wehrmacht attacked Russia, Hitler
announced this explicitly to Frank; and the latter accordingly briefed his
staff that no fresh ghettos were to be established, 'since the Führer
expressly stated to me on June 19 that in due course the Jews will
be removed from the Generalgouvernement - and that the
Generalgouvernement is to be, so to speak, only a transit
camp.' In the view of Dr. Goebbels, who sat in on
these discussions on June 19, this deportation to the east would be a
'fitting punishment' for these troublemakers - and one which the Führer
himself had actually prophesied to them.
Seven months later, the Madagascar plan died a natural death. A foreign
ministry official would write: 'The war against the Soviet Union has
meanwhile made it possible to provide other territories for the final
solution. Accordingly, the Führer has decided that the Jews are not to
be deported to Madagascar but to the east.'
x x
In some regions, particularly the Baltic countries, the 'Jewish problem'
had solved itself. The natives had already taken primitive revenge for
'Jewish excesses' after the Soviet invasion of Lithuania in 1940. Hitler
was informed that the Red Army's 'Jewish commissars' had rounded
up the local businessmen one morning and shot them.
x x
The spirit inspiring Hitler in his war against the European Jews is clear
from the entry in Hewel's diary on July 10:
He says, 'I feel like the Robert Koch of politics... It is I who have
discovered the Jews as the bacillus and ferment that causes all
decay in society. What I have proved is this - that nations can
survive without Jews... and in fact better. That is the cruellest
blow I have dealt the Jews.'
He reverted to this surgical imagery a few days later, explaining to the
Croatian defence minister: 'If just one country tolerates one Jewish family
in its midst, then this will become the seat of a fresh bacillus infection.
Once there are no more Jews in Europe the unity of the European nations
can no longer be disrupted. It is unimportant where the Jews are sent -
whether to Siberia or to Madagascar.'
x x x clop x x x
Hitlerin tarkoitus oli siis VAIN JA AINOASTAAN lähettää juutalaiset pois
Euroopasta sotkemasta valkoihoisten eurooppalaisten asioita, mistään
juutalaisten kansanmurhasta (tai holocaustista) ei ollut mitään puhetta eikä
suunnitelmia, joitakin yksittäisiä juutalaisia toki tapettiin koska olivat
partisaaneja (sabotöötejä, terroristeja, sissejä) ja lisäksi paikalliset
ei-saksalaiset (siviilit ja poliisit ja sotilaat) tappoivat kostoksi niistä
teosta mitä oli tapahtunut Neuvostoliiton suorittaman miehityksen aikana. Ja
toki jotain yksittäisiä sotarikoksia, mutta niinhän kaikissa sodissa,
amerikkalaisetkin ensin Vietnamissa heittelivät napalmia siviilien niskaan,
raiskasivat naisia urakalla jne, ja sitten Irakissa ammuskelivat
holtittomasti kaikkea mikä sattui tähtäimeen, kuten ne Manningin ym
videotkin todistavat. Ja jopa suomalaisetkin sotilaat syyllistyivät
joihinkin sotarikoksiin jatkosodassa.
Siis jos sota olisi päättynyt toisella tavalla, todennäköisesti joko
A. kauhistelisimme amerikkalaisten, brittien ja neuvostoliittolaisten (ja
juutalaisten) suorittamia sotarikoksia (ja Viljanenkin pitäisi kommunismia
kuolemankulttina), tai
B. asiat olisi unohdettu ja eläisimme sovussa, kuten esim amerikkalaiset ja
japanilaiset, tai ainakin Japanin ja USAn viralliset suhteen hyvät,
jonkinlaisia liittolaisia, vaikka japanilaiset saivat niskaansa 2
atomipommia, ja toisaalta japanilaisetkin tekivät sodan aikana joitakin
Jokainen voikin kotitehtävänä miettiä, kumpi vaihtoehto tod näköisempi, ja
miten juutalaisten osuus vaikuttaa asiaan...
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.