Holocausti ja P de Gn ystava Muehlenkamp 001
(too old to reply)
2015-02-16 04:55:13 UTC
Taitaa olla sekopäisin niistä plagiaristibloggareista, tässä vähän
maistiasia, Muehlemkamppia käsitellään sitten perusteellisemmin pari sataa
(tjsp) sivua myöhemmin.
x x x clip1 x x x
The problem rears its ugly head with the Gerstein report, according
to which in a gas chamber of 25 m² the SS-men crammed 700-800 Jews
(I will come back to this topic in chapter 11).
Muehlenkamp, the only person in the world who takes this kind of
nonsense seriously, even pretends to prove it scientifically and, building
on the absurd "Provan experiment," he assumes for his calculation the
"figure of 703" persons on 25 m².1936 This means a density of 28 persons
per m²!
x x x clop1 x x x
tecoar s.855
x x x clip2 x x x
Rajzman arrived in Treblinka on 27 September 1942, and only upon
his arrival the practice of cremation started, however not "in the
graves," but "in primitiven Öfen" (in primitive furnaces). Thus all three
witnesses adduced by Muehlenkamp are in fact contradicting each other
on "essential" matters.
x x x clop2 x x x
s. 1103
x x x clip3 x x x
From Muehlenkamp's viewpoint this is all the more foolish because he
supposes that the mass graves could contain "19.51 (20) corpses per
cubic meter." (p. 418), from which follows that the mass grave described
by Wiernik, measuring 100 × 25 × 15 = 37,500 m3 (cf. Chapter
8, point 97), could hold (37,500 × 20 =) 750,000 bodies - the
vast majority of the alleged Treblinka victims! - in an area of a mere
2,500 square meters, while the total area of the camp amounts to
13.45 hectares2482
x x x clop3 x x x
s. 1105
x x x clip 4 x x x
I also note the flagrant contradiction between Myers and Muehlenkamp
on this issue: while the former asserts that the commander could
smell the stench coming "from the cremation of the mass graves filled
with hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Treblinka extermination
camp," although he "believed" the stench originated from the corpses
not having been 'adequately buried,'"2483 the latter has it that the
(anachronistically) began as a result of these complaints.
x x x clop4 x x x
s. 1106
x x x clip 7 x x x
[19] After this excursion on the idiocies of Muehlenkamp, I will now
return to my rebuttal of Myers, who continues appealing to "Father Patrick
Desbois," allowing me to draw the following conclusions as previously
x x x clop 7 x x x
s. 1107
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.
2015-04-11 04:38:40 UTC
Harmillista, että P de G juoksi karkuun vaikka lupasi torpata nämä väitteet
SITÄ MUKAA KUN NIITÄ ESITÄN. No, 52 kansanedustajaakin äänesti pakkoruotsin
puolesta vaikka olivat vaalikoneissa sitä vastustaneet, lupausten rikkominen
tuntuu olevan evolutionistien eräs lempiharrastus...
z z z z z
Taitaa olla sekopäisin niistä plagiaristibloggareista, tässä vähän
maistiasia, Muehlemkamppia käsitellään sitten perusteellisemmin pari sataa
(tjsp) sivua myöhemmin.
x x x clip1 x x x
The problem rears its ugly head with the Gerstein report, according
to which in a gas chamber of 25 m² the SS-men crammed 700-800 Jews
(I will come back to this topic in chapter 11).
Muehlenkamp, the only person in the world who takes this kind of
nonsense seriously, even pretends to prove it scientifically and, building
on the absurd "Provan experiment," he assumes for his calculation the
"figure of 703" persons on 25 m².1936 This means a density of 28 persons
per m²!
x x x clop1 x x x
tecoar s.855
x x x clip2 x x x
Rajzman arrived in Treblinka on 27 September 1942, and only upon
his arrival the practice of cremation started, however not "in the
graves," but "in primitiven Öfen" (in primitive furnaces). Thus all three
witnesses adduced by Muehlenkamp are in fact contradicting each other
on "essential" matters.
x x x clop2 x x x
s. 1103
x x x clip3 x x x
From Muehlenkamp's viewpoint this is all the more foolish because he
supposes that the mass graves could contain "19.51 (20) corpses per
cubic meter." (p. 418), from which follows that the mass grave described
by Wiernik, measuring 100 × 25 × 15 = 37,500 m3 (cf. Chapter
8, point 97), could hold (37,500 × 20 =) 750,000 bodies - the
vast majority of the alleged Treblinka victims! - in an area of a mere
2,500 square meters, while the total area of the camp amounts to
13.45 hectares2482
x x x clop3 x x x
s. 1105
x x x clip 4 x x x
I also note the flagrant contradiction between Myers and Muehlenkamp
on this issue: while the former asserts that the commander could
smell the stench coming "from the cremation of the mass graves filled
with hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Treblinka extermination
camp," although he "believed" the stench originated from the corpses
not having been 'adequately buried,'"2483 the latter has it that the
(anachronistically) began as a result of these complaints.
x x x clop4 x x x
s. 1106
x x x clip 7 x x x
[19] After this excursion on the idiocies of Muehlenkamp, I will now
return to my rebuttal of Myers, who continues appealing to "Father Patrick
Desbois," allowing me to draw the following conclusions as previously
x x x clop 7 x x x
s. 1107
The truth is now called hate, but I'll defend it anyway.